Friday, December 25, 2009


ha-ha…hoping for a better Christmas but i still have not get it after so many years.did some clearing up right about a few weeks ago but my desk is still very messy,not because i did something it. But because i did nothing to it. weird right. I think too.

I spent about $100 on shoes and clothes for next year. which really makes a lot of sense considering the amount of clothes that i brought last year.

I totally and virtually have nothing to wear.this whole year.

not really. but still not enough for me. though i am the usual home-type girl that never really step out of the house until ABSOUTELY NECESSARY>

PDS have been very tough but still enriching for me. i am glad that i am doing something routine. or else i would go crazy…..

jie yi and I were talking about why Christmas evolved from the celebration of the birth of Christ to Santa Claus. and the answer?

no idea.

something for you to think about.



Tuesday, December 8, 2009




看到的却是人心最丑陋 的一面

尽管很早就到了 那个地方





Friday, December 4, 2009

Wish list and goals for 2010

1) Continue to stay happy and healthy

next year will be an important year somehow for me, i can feel it.The fact that i remained healthy this year is somewhat of an encouragement and of course an omen for me, because the usual pattern will be that i will fall sick twice next year. And i don’t want that to happen. The happy part is just to keep me sane, because i think i just lost myself a few months ago.

2) Pass all exams with flying colours.

it’s the usual thing, if not my sister would be dancing around happily and i would stare gloomily at her. if that’s doesn’t happen, then i am doing my job

3) Finish my story

i have been on this for like 2 years already, i need more than support, but the courage to finish that once and for all. Then, i can stop all the rethinkings.

4)Practise singing, because i got a hunch that we will be needing it again next year

i have went to KTV 2 times this year and many more suggests i am going to flunk singing if i do not bunk up

5) Spend more time on balancing my life

yeah. i am going to need it. Becoming upper sec, juggling 9 subjects and becoming NCO. this is not kidding.

6)  finish all the anime that i should have

this year have been more of the C.S.I and boys over flowers year, so i am going to finish inuyasha no matter what. And add in the sakura too.

7) Read more books and bunk up on English.

i have not been in the English mode this holiday and i know that is not going to help me in whatever i am going to do next year. Damn.

8)Don’t get into trouble.

with my luck , who knows. I am late for school once this year and forgot to bring my tie the previous year. And that;s enough to bring me through secondary. PLease. oh yeah losing my wallet and hp too. i got 2 false alarm already in one year. Don’t make it real.

9) Get a life

i need to get my life back, that includes goals like buying a camera, laptop and xbox 360. which will be my wishes for the next 5 yrs. Who knows? if my dad stuck lottery next year, i might get all of that at one go…

10) Good luck. i am going to need it.

who can guarantee that you wouldn’t get struck by lightning twice? what has happened can happen again. SO let’s hope that lady luck can bring me through all that. Liquid luck anyone?



Tuesday, December 1, 2009

i seriously is having a very boring holiday


hi guys again.

I think i might have lived under a rock for some time now that i almost have nothing to do everyday.I have been staying @ home often and yeah you know watching television, going face book and so.I wanted to put up a wish list for both Christmas and my birthday but i have not really gone through the details yet. The main thing about me is that i really don’t go out until someone asks me to, so yeah, i have been entertaining myself for quite some time since the holiday started a month ago. And will end a month later. I been waiting for new moon to come out so that i can scam my dad to watch it, but till then, which is 2 days later, i have to occupy myself with schemes to do so.

the science specialist camp that was held about a week ago was great. I was quite worried that we have to spent quite a bit of time doing all the boring stuff like thinking of ideas for the competition and so but now i am glad that i overworried about things. The body world exhibition was okay, and it gave me insights of the real body that all humans we have and cannot see. i really have to say bravo for those who donated their bodies in order to make it possible. It was inspiring. Half of the time was also spent on ice-creaming making , which did not go as well as i thought would be. the ice creams were not typical ones that i thought it was, but at least it was original. some of the workshops that we went through were great, Mr Ng took great pictures of that. But i wasn’t thinking of eating the agar…..the DNA part was like a renew lesson of what we learnt in sec 1,  then the caffeine was quite interesting. I did not know that we were drinking so little caffeine just in one cup of tea. So little that indira have to blame sing ping that it’s all her fault. But whoever fault that is, i still like the whole process.

The open house that was held just last Saturday as one word. CRAZY! i am glad that i was given a chance to say what i had to about how wonderful anderson is to me, and yeah, that 5 hrs drove everyone crazy. We had to repeat countless times about the facilities that we have in anderson, though i believe all of us are glad that we were given answers by some of the parents about how school is for us. That is better than repeating again and again what the PCR machine is for and Incubator too……


P.S. thks to jia wei for reminding me to update my blog.

Friday, November 20, 2009



















Thursday, November 12, 2009

1月12日 自 我 强 烈

1月12日出生的人总是不可避免地献身于一个需要投注很多心力的专业生活。他们的生涯规划或终身兴趣经常在二十多岁时就产生,之后便会为了这个兴趣牺牲掉很多东西,特别是个人内在成长方面。尽管他们认为生命的宗旨在于服务别人,但事实上,他们却也很容易被各种刺激和冒险的事情吸引,有时是跟着别人,有时是个人的追求。一旦被这个野性的呼唤所吸引,他们便会义无反顾地跟随着这个呼唤。 正因为工作生涯是生命的中心,这天出生的人必须小心选择工作,避免走入一个对他们或别人有害的经验里,维持严格的道德原则,守住传统的人类价值,都是很重要的基本。他们必须小心监控自我牺牲的冲动和自我中心的力量,才不会失去控制。很多这天出生的人会轻易认同一个社会或政治本质的理想,他们会为了这个理想放弃个人的坚持。当然,他们之中一部分的人可能会完全投入经营自己,当他们的个性或形象是事业成功的关键时,尤其如此,例如销售员、服务业、广告界、演艺事业等等类型。


1月12日出生的人很容易忽视自己的健康(除非直接关连到他们的重要活动)。因此,建议他们每半年作个健康检查。通常牙齿会是第一个发生的问题。此外,荷 尔蒙不平衡、体态总是等等也层出不穷,甚至会有超重或体重过轻的状况。其他令人困扰的过敏、皮肤问题等,也从不间断。所以,他们应该有稳定的生活形态,才能维持稳定的健康情形。饮食务求均衡,摄取大量新鲜水果、蔬菜、谷类,限制摄取动物性脂肪和糖分等。适度的运动,在户外作长程的步行是最适合的运动。







Tuesday, November 3, 2009

going crazy soon:-)

haha i am now typing from my dad's samsung jet which would be officially mine soon...i lost my priceless memory card in the process of trying to squeeze in into the compartment zpace but it somehow slipped into the corner and disappeared!!!!!i cannot believe it!!---:;(-^;/@~!here goes my 135 songs,over50 pics and all my favourites !!-- someone can help to find It back???

Sunday, October 25, 2009

ATC 2009


i am officially back from the Pulau Ubin NPCC campsite where i had my ATC< Well, it was very fun and Very TOUGH. after the camp i felt like i can’t go to school tmr.Literally. Ha, i got hell lots of sunburn which made my skin very uncomfortable and it is worse than when the entire squad had to do CIP in the basketball court wearing black for 5 hrs.i bought back with me memories of this camp, one particular about the “ATC COUPLE” in my group, which is grp 1. Wei Ling from Xinmin and another Bowen guy called JOShua [ not sure spelling] got tied up together just because they played with the twine that was left over after the activity. It was quite funny and i laughed a lot over that. I guess i would not play with any guy for no good reason.especially with thread.

As chinese saying goes :" tying red thread” means tying 1 guy and 1 girl together. HA> erhemm.. I quite had a good impression on timothy from PEi CAi because of this humorous personality and Pricilla was have lots of fun teasing a guy that i barely knew his name. He claimed that he doesn’t have any email or facebook account, something that i find it quite unbelievable. okay, i hate the PT on the first day, mainly because that i couldn’t take it and had to push myself to the limits. I was shaking because of the strength that i used.Next time before i go to STC, i think i will first go running. OR else i will seriously CRASH> there are no casualties from my sch except for Jimm, who fell down and spent half the camp not doing much… He said he wouldn’t come next yr, but we just tease him and say that next yr he report as casualty as well. That got him thinking.

ALso, i find the Monfort guys quite helpful, volunteering for everything. They say that they just do it, and our AtC pt is very easy as compared to their. Well, it’s hard to imagine how it gets tougher that what i had experienced over the two days. i remember majority of the Monfort guys, but still dunno how to spell them, so i am  going to try doing so, there’s NORMAN, JASPER, pairy?,and some guy whose name is very similar to JAsper’s sound. { SORRY!} i briefly met NOMAN during SANA this june hoilday, and had quite an impression on him.

Tent pitching was a total failure for me because our CI taught us different pitching methods as compared to other schools., but i am glad that the tent guy loop got in handy. AT least i did something right? and not hold the pole. LOLS> The nights i had spent were quite unforgetable, the first night was incredibly noisy due to the crickets and some animal that i dunno. On the second day, the sound from these animals were not significant.i think it is due to the wet weather, and the drastic change in temp. MY back hurts from all the sleeping on the ground and stuff, and my partner says i snores……. arh…don’t think so. IT’s someone else!!!!

Having kayaking with CHestor was not a very good idea on the second day because he was very tired and stuff, and i virtually have to paddle all the way without his strength…. Having rations the same as the camp that we had this yr was a very good time to showcase our cleverness, as we steamed the packet food like what Farah mdm did.

well, i guess that’s all.

hope to see all the ppl back for STC next yr.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009












Saturday, September 26, 2009


i am quite amused by the fact that i am still up so late. I had not have any problems sleeping till recently and the fact that i took a short nap just now just makes it even more difficult to sleep. I know that i should be studying right now, but i don’t feel like it anymore when the Post sticks kept dropping off my notes corner.I felt moody today, though Syahmi said that i am always moody. ARH? a few days ago, Jun Jie actually commented that my life’s all about studying. Well, that’s almost true…I don’t disagree, but still…HOw would i get all those pretty marks if my life does not orientate around school? that makes me really wonder how ppl relax when it comes to studying. I totally envied them.I wish all the best for the Malay students taking their exam about 8 hrs later. I hope that syahmi will make it. He absolutely study Malay as a technical subject, as much as I study english technically. I laughed at him for studying something as trivial as languages, and he laughed at me back. HAHAH>>>


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cbox. warning!

Hari RAYA!

HI guys,

it’s  the holidays again. ARH> i cannot finish my homework on time that’s for sure. My ankle hurts, and i am not sure if it was because of the Npcc Training this Fri. That would be the last until after the exams, so my muscles should be able to recover till then. I spent the entire day on Saturday reading <the sugar queen> mainly because i felt confused after reading it. Shocked too, before i retrace my steps and read it again. I can’t believe i spent such a long time reading such a thin book. maybe i am getting old. {sigh} counting down to THE SA2s, and i have not read anything yet. Well, i did read something. I read the history textbook, which reminds me that i have a test on chapter 7 or 8. MCQs i think. I still have to do reflection and the mindmap {again}, mainly because i did the wrong chapters……MRs Krishna never reads my reflections,  because if she did, she would have a shock of her life then….

I finished the 2006 paper for the Maths, which will put me forward in my homework for at least 3 lessons. Then, i did not even touch the science worksheet. Good thing that she didn’t give out worksheets on the last chapter, or else i will not even bother to take it out from my file. there is still english that is undone, i mean the summary, which sounded quite easy….. Sacking…ARHS>?


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Active and Passive..


random.which can get more random enough during CE lesson. I feel like going crazy when Mdm Lum started the lesson on sexual reproduction,and i am hoping that it will end soon. IT IS TORTUROUS and i cannot believe that we are tested for SA2!

The cat ate my homework. [active voice]

The homework was eaten by my cat.[passive voice]

RECAP. Though i certainly am not going to use the latter.

Friday, September 11, 2009


i finally have the time to research on the song that Juli likes to sing during training, I didn’t expect it to be sung by the wonder girls, but now to think of it, the lyrics kept repeating which makes a lot of sense. Wonder girls JIAYOUS!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

IT"S the HOTS!

wow! it’s the holidays again and i can’t believe that time really flies. WE are going to say goodbye to 2009 in a few months and then welcome 2010 with open arms!I still need to adjust myself to the holiday mood, and hopefully adjust it back into work mode when the the remaining 5 days are finally over. i need to start on my studies, or take a break and catch some movies with whoever’s free……The boys over flowers wallpaper is still on my study room’s wall, which reminds me that the series is finally coming to an end soon, airing @ channel U. I need not go to school for the remaining days, but i want to go back to see my bacteria culture and collect my internet essay. I foresee that i will not go anyway, and the internet essay is definitely going to rot inside Mr Khoo’s pigeon hole , well, what can i do anyways?


Flowers in inspiration













Thursday, September 3, 2009























Tuesday, September 1, 2009

HAPPY TEacher’s day

okay i really have to say happy teacher’s day to those teachers that are reading this. I really wonder who would….anyways, i only have to endure for about 3 days before i get released from school. Which is not a total release actually because i need to go study, maths and science and all….I was really glad that i got better marks for my functional writing this time around, winning seng hee….Whether i am really improving in my English will depends on what score i get next team, which reminds me that i have to really start memorising the words in my word bank again…..i was staring at it quite often recently as compared to last year, well but my heart wasn’t in it.

this year my heart was not in much either. I went to the popular book store last week or so, but i still couldn’t get all the pretty presents that i want for my teachers. I saw a few nice ones though my wallet will bound to tear one big hole. I liked the personalise cards with the Cds, i wonder if they were realor not. But still , what can i put in the real CDs? In a torment here, so i didn’t buy it. IT was $$$$2.90!!!!

i wish i can start concentrating in class again to maximise my fullest potential , but the small headaches that i have now and then really stopped my from doing so , plus some sentimental feelings that i had tried to flush away recently. I was officially out of depression as of last Monday when i cut my hair, a good change though i think it didn’t helped much.

i finished CSI new york season 5 finally after such a long period of time. Season 6 is coming thank god and inuyasha’s new season is coming too! i am so looking forward to them….


Friday, August 28, 2009

we watch the sun rises…….

a bit cloudy recently, so a lot of beautiful sun rises and scenes…..

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not in CE lab on tuesday post

okay, i did went to the ce lab, but i just didn’t blog. too troublesome cause i cannot type well and there is no spelling checker.haha. changed my blog skin and my music playlist as well to some of the songs that i got from la corda. After really searching for them then i realise that not everyone plays music the same way, not music is the same at all..well , that makes my think of something…the anime did makes me did about a lot of things, things that i always forgot and regret. i have been regretting for ages that i didn’t learn any foundation music before primary school and also major musical instruments. i really like the sound of viola and violin, but never really learnt it. Piano is like only occasional practise on my electrical keyboard, i can’t even play my primary school school song well. LOL> still in the period of trying to get all the music and keys flowing…so….

really feel like learning violin.



Saturday, August 15, 2009

passed my 2.4km nafa test rerun.

yeah i passed my nafa rerun the nest time on thursday

i was damn happy because i made it!!

of course i never stopped and i trained for it.

np training yesterday was like damn hard,

and the three musketeers just make it even harder,

of course i make some mistakes of my own even though i reminded myself,

and forget it, i was not in the concentration mode.

playing blind mice was the worse type of training i can even get, because i just lose my sense of balance when i close my eyes.

and i can’t really concentrate with all the senseless drills so i have to frown. a lot.

and everyone was laughing at me during training.

i got into the top 3 with praveen and juli.

she won, when willy/jie kang schemed up with ideas of how to tie-break us.

the pledge drill during Ndp was given. and we all went down. except juli…



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hi guys again.
i am inside CE lab. AGAIN.
i can't believe that i can't log into facebook.....
that's what Praveen is doing now....
reflecting about what i did during national day is totally GUILTY>
i did nothing except to read on the subjects that are tested this week
and a lot of CSI.
i watched 2 eps of CSI in one day. which is a record. when my mom is not home.
okay. i admit that TRIPLE is not a good korean drama as i thought it would be.
i totally went crazy on the first eps.
there is only like 30 minutes on true figure skating topic,
and the rest of the time is up for the Coffee prince guy. the one with the fluffy dog.
and the triple is like so fake cause i know that in actual fact the kid didn't do it.
editing does it.......
so much for being so PRO in skating....


Monday, August 3, 2009











Saturday, August 1, 2009

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


i dunno if i can be able to type chinese which this, i mean the macbook. i am now in the CE lab. and for the sake of JIAN LE going to complain that i have not being able to update for such a long time. i am writing this damn post. i was quite not very feeling good recently, and i thought that i might even have the flu strain. but no fever. i am being taken on to writing my book recently though i have swore that i am struck with momentarily blankness. i will get over it soon . hopefully.i watched the harry potter last tuesday and i wrote a review about it on hopefully that i will rest well and recover from all the blues....


Sunday, July 19, 2009

dying of muscle ache

i am literally crashing. even the tips of my fingers are so part of my huge pain.all because of 2.4 and the Cip that i had yesterday and the day before. it’s a miracle that i had the strength to type out this post… okay, the day after tomorrow is anderson’s day off, which means that i have one more day to recover from the useless lactic acids…Jun jie asked me if i want to go to Harry potter with classmates and i said that i would reply him tomorrow. which is a total disaster considering that on friday i was planting the whole idea of going to the movies especially harry potter into my mom. Now my sister was like, I WANT TO WATCH TOOO..which is not a good idea considering tuesday….stupid…i want to eat MCs badly and with nearly 100 dollars left this month, i am damn rich next wk…cca is due to start on friday instead of Wednesday because of o level listening but the prospect of cca suddenly don’t look very good. i am half hoping that there wouldn’t be a parade this yr for ndp so that seng hee would scream in delight of not playing the drum or whatso ever on that day….


Monday, July 13, 2009


absolutely funny……

Monday, July 6, 2009

it’s pizza time.

today is youth day. which is a nice change from all the school and homework in the first week. well, i now can sum up what i have done during the long 4 wks holidays , although i am now looking forward to national day…. evergreen’s anniversary have effectively been postponed to august 7th which is just the Friday before the long national day holidays. hope that by then i would be filled joy as we watch alumni of my primary sch do their part for their alma mater on this eventful night.

i have done much in the holidays except from all the resting, and i am i guess fortunate to not have insomnia during the holidays which i usually do…Camp for the science specialists have went well, with the cool amazing race and all the cooking in the HE room during the last night at the camp. the pizza that my seniors made were marvellous, and i decided to try it at my hands today. good thing i did not overcook it, but the cheese was a little over melted…. i am not going to try doing the yam desert…because i wouldn’t be the one eating it anyways..i hate it…okay…… SRP was great. the plants are hopefully have not drowned or die because of the rain that happened throughout yesterday.the feeling it gave me was not great….

the second last weekend was spent together with 6 charity 07 and our beloved Mrs tong, who is pregnant…… the east coast park. renting the bike was a good choice because we ventured quite far away from the area that we took our bus…but returning it is not really that good when i have to walk back to the shelter… managed to see tai ru, Terence, loy, elly , ai hui, celine , terran, amin, hazel and justin. the rest was busy i guess….the volley ball that rovin and alicia brought was quite hard and i had a hard time controlling it… amin and terran was enjoying the sand by burying each other’s shoes, which they have problems finding it afterwards…oh yah..seah is in the game too…. tai ru virtually scream my name at some period of time, which made me feel like i am dying or something….

the next week was spent on doing my going to expire passport..with the baby photo…the queue time at ica was amazing short. good service despite the crowd that should occur during the school holidays. the afternoons after that was spent on some idling at orchard or bugis..i managed to buy a few things at amazing prices because of GSS….i LOVE IT>

okay my final weekend was spent on some volunteering, which i asked politely if the public would like to donate some money to me….not to me SANA. i met a couple of guys from navel base, and one of them look a lot like asraf sir…. i had a great time at woodlands together with the fine gentlemen, and also met Terence and his mother who donated some money to SANA> thks you guys who donated ! you are a very kind person….[copied from the phrase that was used by….what’s his name again?] the sana volunteer suggested that we should join them as volunteers or instructors and get CIP too….evil. okay, hope that i would have enough time to go for that next yr!!!



Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sana flag day.

well, Sana flag day 2009 was a success. for me. that is. if i get to keep all the money that i collected for myself,then i would be damn rich….

wuhhaaaa….sounds so evil. it was fun, considering the number of hours that i sacrificed for standing in the hot sun….

managed to get to know some of the npcc and ncc numbers of naval base sec. i am sure someone would say hi?



Monday, June 15, 2009


this holiday makes me feel like i am taking drugs. Drugs are meant for people to feel happiness momentarily and in long term cause depression.that’s what this hoilday have taken towards in the last few days or perhaps weeks.

i always hated project works all these years. On the account of academic results, we have to work together and produce results.On several occasions i find myself pulling my hair over something that is due the next day. All because of someone who fails to remember dates, have computer problems or in simpler words-lazy.I always have problems trusting that person after that. then, as time passes and i do more and more project work, my list just narrow to half a dozen “candidates”. I fail to truly recover from that experience.Every now and then i would try to accomplish the job by myself and it sort of just means that i “share” my marks with the rest of the people. The past few months have been simply marvellous.The stress just builds and i try to look forward to the holidays. With little success and more of the failure.

To me, rest is not staying @ home one day and going some where else the other. My ultimate desire is to stay @ home everyday.that’s is the least of my issues. I was able to recover myself from that kind of thinking and embrace the lifestyle that i am suppose to adopt. with success. till today.

I have never felt so irritated in my life. Perhaps a little lesser that the issue that i have before my P6 dec holidays which left a scaring in my heart.After that, i have been very sensitive about words. The way you phrase , How you accuse me. I totally in one word HATE any attempts of accusing ME. I will hate the person for a long time and believe my words.

Do not ever distrust my sense of responsibility, my judgement and whatever that i meant to say or do. That’s the bottomline. i always fail to understand people who never listen before making ANY judgement @ all. Before finishing your sentence, imagine how you feel when the person out rightly say NO and never gives an explanation? It’s feel terrible. it was as though you wasted your strength, time and thinking. For me, i feel hollow, without any purpose in life.

I was prepared to take a step back, to take a break from all the responsibility and to experience for another time- what it feels to be lead by other and then another problem arise.

this time it made me feel idotic. NOw i am accuse of not doing any work…when i am rejected of any work.

I”M depressed.

Pls understand and give me my break.



Saturday, June 6, 2009




Friday, June 5, 2009

1.2.3. 木头人













Wednesday, May 27, 2009



it’s going to be the June Holidays soon and obviously we are going to get our report books.

It’s attached.

Basically i have done well for the Term, but not well enough to make me happy.

Ah duh. Nothing makes me happy?

English is the usual lag, though i admit that i screw up on the comprehension part.

I have to do something about it. And i hope that the something is not going to tuition.

C5. 0.2 more marks and i get a pretty B4.

i need to deal with this. Fast and Furious.At least i tried my best. i improved from Ca1 to SA1 by 1mark.

Maths is like a miracle that i can even pass even though i failed all my tests.


Science, Geography,History,Literature the usual As. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Chinese is perhaps the most disappointing of all.


i am not sure if i have braced myself for this but failing comprehension after i had passed with flying colours all this while is not a very good way to failure.

so much for the lecture of reading more newspapers and getting nothing out of it.

oh god, i am definitely not going to take art.

i got an ugly B3, bringing the total B-count to 2. so much for having a artistic talent when i was young.

in total , i got 1C,2B and a whole lot of As.

Wish i could concentrate on the A part instead of the B & C part. But then, i wouldn’t be a perfectionist, would I?001

i must really admit that i could have done better.

Riding on the road to perfection.



Monday, May 25, 2009

i think i ned a psychiatrist. i am overwhelm with anger one second, and sad on the other.

i can’t control my feelings better than before. i am like a ticking bomb that can explode anytime.

i ned rest. not sleep but proper rest. i’ve worked hard for the semester and it’s time that i should start resting.

the cambodia trip is off , and i am free the entire hoilday. that’s not quite what i call a well rested hoilday. but that would do.

i ned to change my mindset of things. my future, my attitude, everything.

i can;t wait for the hoildays.

still hoping that i wouldn’t wake up tmr.

don’t agitate me.



Sunday, May 24, 2009

busy arhs.

i hate busy days.

getting sunburn in CIP is one issue , doing SRP is another.

woke up @ 5.45 this morning SUNDAY.

i am super tired now , and i am literally , crashing.

and it’s only 7.31.

hope that i would be able to get enough rest during the hoildays.

i am tired, i ned rest, and sleep.



Monday, May 18, 2009










Saturday, May 2, 2009













spur on the moment

when i become usually me, i am unusually me.

when i think,time ticks by.

perhaps while we search for immortality,

immortality is searching for mortality.

when we search for the future,

future changes while we search.

while we search for the antidote to time,

time is the antidote.

As much as we search in ourselves,

we may never find,

what is truly,




Wednesday, April 29, 2009

English exams.

tomorrow is English exams.

[sign] i am unusually frantic over it.

a few days ago, i was virtually digging for my old vocabulary word bank 

to revive the vocabulary that i have abandoned since the last day of PSLE.

oh great. Now i realise that i am having a long term memory lost- i can’t remember any of the words. At all.

i am sure someone would comment on my actions disparagingly, not to mention the self-inflicted guilt that i have felt just because i have neglected my English.

Of course,that would be a tip of the iceberg. There’s still Maths to worry about and also Science, though i am more worried about the latter.

Mr khoo gave a clue that it would still be in the perceptive of a student; and in internal report format.

which leaves me with very little options to choose what to search from my vocabulary bank.

Fighting? Argument? That’s all that i could think of. It shouldn’t stray far from the topic mainly because it will be an internal report.

NO and highly unlikely involvement from the Police. SO , no accident of some kind on the roads and definitely no snatch thief or robber of some kind.

Free writing is the component that worry me the most. i have no clue of what would be tested, though i am quite sure that it would be either a narrative or recount.

i am definitely not going for the argumentative essay.

i hope that i would have enough time to write the essay properly, plan,check-everything.

i guess it is a matter of practise. i just have to cross my mind barrier about the certainly B3 and below grade.


It’s mind over matter.




Monday, April 20, 2009

Sound Dogs - Human,Heart Beat,Jingle Bells
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Friday, April 17, 2009

half day so much for it.

feel so empty after a day…

i still ned some homeworking to help to fill up the hole..

the english project is making me much as the history did too..

i am trying to die here…

the music is already okay..

that reminds me..



Monday, April 13, 2009

breaking dawn-disease

hi i am back again.

with the heart that i am going about twilight…

have been so crazy last wk…

trying to read the series online…watch the movie ANd do all the homework..

admit it..i am a superhero…


i have so many thoughts abt the issue this min that i will swore that i would have to write a essay on it..


i like analysing books..

though i am seriously not going for literature elective..

it sounds..strange,

crossing essay already

well…@ least i weren’t that mad abt it the last time i was with the harry potter [ i swear i could remember the entire bk]

but close.

veri close.

i almost wasted all my revision time for the bk.

so much for the english.

hell..i still ned to revise my maths..

gd thing me sis got the breaking dawn in her hands now…

cause or else I would be the one READING it…



hi guys again ,
calling from the labs of anderson in CE.
got hell lots of stuff to do this wk,
liike the music project,
english trailer ,

calling later.


Friday, April 3, 2009

popING finally.

pop is finally over..

so sad. that i have to see batches of NCOS go and finally the year after myself.

but all was not for nothing….

for the last time i saw himile commanding us,

he’s a good commander i think cause..

i only seen only one commander….on ndp and passing out.

forgot who’'s the last yr.

even with the two drill-less cadets next to me..

i am still contented…happy…sad….

finally got to step on Ivan and Prashan’s shoe….hahahaaa…

ivan’s wouldnt even get dirty no matter how much we step on his shoe lols.

remember last yr how we step on asraf’s shoe till the sole come out..

that time we were still naive….

and then prashan looked @ though he got trashed!!!!

this time the moment we were dismissed we run after the ncos…

and this time i only got to step on a few ….

not fun.

this year slightly different from last,

got buffet, and then no cake…

but i managed to do the presents pretty good but with the cards the part about the signing seems to be unsastifacting.

but i close one eye..

all the stuff started dropping out which is damn irritating…

but the lucky draw was quite amusing…

prashan and ivan got a female handphone pouch…

which is PINK in colour…

so funny lols…

but can give girlfriend…

and then Amir got this very cute small umbrella….

so cute@@@!!!!

and shafeeq got this pack of tissue paper..

he was the first one to draw lots…

but after that sec 3s gave him something extra…

look like puppet on stick…

finally ivan gave us back our valuables..for the last time we say thank you sirs and madams..

and then prashan and ivan

pass the bag of ferrero rocher to sean which i got it afterwards.


pop did not went so fun as the last..

but never minds.. next year my turn!!!!!

must start thinking……



leanne ;<

Friday, March 27, 2009

earth hour 2009

Earth Hour. Take a part. We can make a difference. Together.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
















npcc… the extention of pop.


this is what happened todae.

school as usual…

i got my unit tee today!!!!




Sunday, March 22, 2009

camp plus civil defence

hi guys,

telling u wat happened in these few days,

so on Thursday i went to the full day total defence camp.

so the three of the 4 musketeers came. together with extra cheese.

totally, extremely, humiliating to both my sch AND NPCC.

throw our faces to the ground and they stepped on it.

though i can say that they are to a small extend- funny.


i still not very happy.

furthermore. they did not come in PT kit. seriously, Naveen and i was joking abt one 1/8 school.

fancy wearing class tee and being late for the course.

dont even know how to fall in.

I was feeling humiliated compared to the guy standing nxt to him from hougang sec. [ i think]

and when u ask him to fall in, they say none of your business.

even the sec 3 senior Abdul[ it this correct?] also got problem controlling them.

and Benjamin and kathik got into a fight outside the civil defence centre.

utterly. totally.

so , in general i learnt a lot of things.and happy the day ended quickly.


coming to camp,

the first day was spent on Amazing race, didn’t won though.

and of course lunch then camp preparation. and camp fire,

ivan sir came up with one spongebob song Abt  fun.

so since the theme for this yr is change , yes we can.

so we change the theme to something FUN.


F is for friends who do stuff together,

U is for you and me ,

N is for anywhere and anytime @ all

down here in NPCC.


we even to the left leg kick , right leg kick together till i say behenti….

the NCOs and EX clapped so loudly for all of us…..

ha of course i came up with a cheer for Charlie…. with the style for the p5 camp

glad it came in useful.

then we had some supper with maggie mee….

then the nightwalk cum scary movie.

the nightwalk was quite okay…expect the nco to come and scare us but due to something, the ncos have to drop their plan.

heard that prashan even brought a mask….

scary movie…

i was like alsleep in the first part then jimmy told me that it’s not scary

which is like not scary.

cause no ghost. only devil possess someone….i like the way it is presented though…

only the part where prashan told a ghost story abt anderson to the cadets that i did not listen @ all.

heard something abt red …..


then lights out.

but did not sleep though. floor so hard, then i keep waking up upon hearing sounds.

finally woke up @ 6 then go and bath….gd thing i did.

cause later PT….

have kaya and bread for breakfast…

then a little chit chat with HO

sent our regards to ppl in Cambodia with drawings…

then area cleanup…all the boys in my group have to clean up drains..

and we were like the last team…

then more chit chat with Ncos , CI

and finally HOME>>>>>>>>>

forgot to say what JImm told me..

i ned Beijing 101 cause my hair still falling like mad….

which is quite worrying,

not stress cause like exam over then start…..



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

cross country.

hi guys,

hoildays seems to not be nice to me these days. barely neck down.

so. cross country well pretty well.

with me hitting personal target of 25 mins.


and maths remedial went really well…


Thursday, March 12, 2009

fake MOI!

yeah i finally finished Beethoven virus this week!!!!

np yesterday was quite tiring cosidering that we have to do the MOI that turns out to be fake.

which i did expect that to happen…..

but no so violently.

K cadet made us go round and round..which is quite irritating

juli did that too…but somehow i don;t feel anything.

wei keong and chestor eventually bet me….

expected the first. whatver the second.

tmr cross country and i have to run 3.3 km which is like so long.

but i still didn;t join road marshalling anyways.

since i like the one mark so much.

muscle cramping again. which is so irritating as well..

nothing makes me remotely happy these days.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


so here am i back,

on saturday night…waiting for sleep to come.


npcc yesterday was quite “short” cause we have the OFFICIAL  MOI…

i might consider skipping nxt wk’s cause kathik doing MOI!

and i might or might not die.

@ least i am that confident that i will get higher than him…

but higher than wei keong , naveen or even praveen is not really remotely impossible.

at least my worst is over , but their;s is not,

16/20!!![not concluded]

highest as far.

but i think i might get lower. than that.


oh yeah.

bad news. iffah got abolished as squad leader and i just got her position. SWELL>.

and rafie as well…with wei keong taking over.

now i know the seriousness of what prashan sir said abt wei keong. THE BEST MALE CADET.

i might have extra noticed the “Male” part.

we also tested our voices if it was coming from the stomach,

and naveen actually was labelled as “ getting there!!”

pricilla got a noticeable intentionality on using her vocal cords instead of stomach,




Wednesday, March 4, 2009


hi guys,

back to blogging again.

though i think i shouldn’t be blogging too much,

affect my studies.


as if.

so that’s what happen todae.

i am officially going mad abt results.

one word abt it, i am killing.


changed new blogskin cause the old one picture got removed @ photobucket.

so here;s the new one.

lessons quite gd todae. maths still okay.

@ least i don’t feel worse.


todae training still with MOI , and thk god that the thumby nvr got to do that.

he did it 3 times already.

and we were cursing after that.

and i only did twice.

and alot of ppl still haven do.

i thought that today it was not me one,

cause still got a lot of ppl.

but somehow all the haven go ppl go already.

prashan start saying something abt “ i stare @ u , u better come out”

that time i was staring @ the floors lols. then i raise my head suddenly realise he was staring @ ME

oh great. but still okay on the whole as compared to last time, though he did say sometime abt action lag.

well 9/10 is gd enough. better than praveen by 1/2 a mark[ everyone was like WTF] after the training.

hahahaaa..enough for me to happy for until i get the nxt test paper.

played blind mice [AGAIN!] before MOI and hahahaa…i won.

and i DON”T WANT to play again.

prashan say pressure , i say i don;t LIKE.

just don’t like.

i ned a confident boost and npcc gave me that. now i feel much more confident @ myself.

@ least if i don’t do well in my studies , i can go become a police.




Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hi guys.

i am back. after 3 days.

in conclusion, that’s what happened in the last few days.

on friday , i got blind mice  and i won!!! finally. after wining praveen. [ damn sook.!]

and then i got praised for siting up straight after so much time.

yeah chocolates nxt trainingS! but i think i ate too much chocolate recently.

and no pumping positions for the day.

well.without the three musteekteers. …….

life can b e so gd. although moi training suck. without me.

and npcc training that dae seems to hear my muscles pain. no pain today!!!!

hopes it will continue,

thought my muscle got problem the other day when it ached so much.happpy!!!

but today is another issue.

i got 42% for my maths.

yeah. i know ur will be like “ you kidding me” but i feel back abt it.

totally bad, and where the heck is MR KOH!!!!

i ned him now. we ned him now. everyone moaning for him now.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

chinese homework

hi guys,

not being racist here.

just thought that i should share this with everyone.



this was meant to be a joke

but i don’t see the laugh

but i don’t think we can copy lehs.

cause 刘老师 should know alreadys.

no wonder only give like 8 lines for us to write. and no word limit.

like only 2 lines extra.

happy weekends.



Friday, February 27, 2009

hi gain

i am back

8 hrs later.

with a little hand cramp and muscle cramp though everything seems fine.

played wii too much.

i think . muscle cramp for 3 days , then followed by the legs. left , right , left.

what the…muscial ,.


life algain

hi guys,

blogging from the labs of anderson sec on 1.41 pm .
so i think i am so happy that i am even having a computer right now.

home com spoil and then kept crashing though i think the problem not very big as compared to the others car crashing incident.

but i must think of a solution. wasting time lah......
so...malware taken care of , virus i think ned reforcement
and then the trojan....houses..dunno.

so here am i going to the to look out for the new and latest stuff that help me clean up my disk.
cause surrly it is disk problem.
even starting the computer with basic functions have the damn problem so here am i moaning abt it.

jia jin kept saying me and jun feng are gbr irritating.
he even touch my hair and say that it is very fluffy......
i am not intrested lols..
i told him i ned sommone even more acheivements than i am

i think that was like only 3 days after the junior dared to touch my hair.
think what will happen when i take over....

praveen wanted to take over the sec 2 squad [which is sec 1s now]
and i think i want to take over the sec 1 squad.
provided that praveen will be training chair and i will make up to the position.
hope so..

and i will make up to the position....@@@!!

yeah jia jin also said that i am elmo.
yeah....maybe as compared to what i am elmoing @/

he not happy.
hah i also not happy.
cause like what ren says in skip beat.
i study like i am to get 100 for every subject.
maybe not 100 but a hell bunchs of As
like last yr.

haven see a lot of ppl since last yr.
everytime i see kuo chuan p sec, i think abt sean
everytime i see yishun sec , i think abt justin and also loy
everytime i see cresent girls , i think abt farihah
everytime i see a i sec , i think abt ai hui.
everytime i see cathalic high , i think abt benjamin.
what the ......................


Monday, February 23, 2009


































Friday, February 20, 2009

npcc sad

hi guys,

today is quite a sad day .

except that our npcc unit GOT GOLD!!!!!


i think that i am quite angry now too

knowing that i ned to erhemm..

study for hell lot of subjects…

no time.

but sad today.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


hi guys,

very angry today.

the total result is – being angrier

1] there is Chinese idioms tests today 35 sentences , remembered to sentenced them after 3 days only.

2] all of them except only a finger tip was out on the paper.

3] and i still have to sit for the test after the 30 minute last minute learning of some idiotic idioms

4] and there is abt 15 blanks to fill , 4 sentences to construct and i summary of 80 words[ he said no summary!! plus one more]. all in 35 minutes.

no wonder i am so angry.

5] mental algebra test 2 results out , got 1 wow what an improvement.

6] and maths teacher treat us like we are idiots.

7] yes we are and we don’t ned reminding

8] and then she comforted us that maybe the nxt test we are doing better. yeah as if i will feel better after that.

9] my legs hurt. gd thing mr leong nvr come today. yeah as if it will feel better.

10] nxt wek got maths and sci tests.

11] and Sunday i got road marshalling [ yeah!] yeah so much for the test

12] and tmrr friday. so much for the weekend

13] tmrr got compo . chinese. to do in one hr. and what to research? nothing.

14] i feel like swearing today. which is like whatever.

Friday, February 13, 2009

if only i could change the world…..

hahhaa..valentine tomorrow and i got no body to ask me out…which is like whatever…

asraf kept asking me for flowers which i was like i don’t even buy one where to get one….

well..ask him to get his flowers from POP and then happy valentine!!!


well…a lot of ppl have a lot of presents..and flowers..

xin hui have a fair number which is like admiring especially the bear….so CUTE!!!!!+_+

went and go borrow some Chinese books which is like no time to even read lols, homework piling up like hell..

last Sunday was fun went to uncle’s house , have a fair bit of $$$…

total defence celebrations today i hardly got anytime get my throat healed..

but good thing i didn’t volunteer to become the ppl standing there like statues…

or else..i will die.

have a fair number of pic taken..enjoy. DSC00006 









hahha…seng hee’s present to someone cute!!!! DSC00161     






















that;s a lot of brochures and the one on the top right is mine!!!hahha…
















i can’t resist things that are made by me….but definitely not the nccs…just take them for fun…that’s MY poster!!!!! 





tried to take pictures of ncos but they are dimissed into outside np roomm.

should have taken pic of prashan and ivan sir with the torch rifles ….







that;s my valentine gifts… all from girls…








finally jia jin goes down!! ncc boys so lame..

jia jin below all the human meat.,,,,





Friday, February 6, 2009

i feel like dying

history test and geography test nxt monday…

which is damn sickening

and i will fail for sure,

i don’t even bother to look @ the bks……


lesson quite good …. all the stuff still passable

cause no maths and no history

relieved that IT”S FRIDAY!!!!


npcc quite slack , nothing to do with half the squad in some other place…..

played captain’s ball like for only 10 minutes before rain comes

and thunder alert sounds…

oh man…….


taught sec ones the cheers today,

nearly blasted my ear drums…

i vividly remembered that last yr cheers were taught by the sec 2s,….

now .???when i teach???

okay….talked with asraf abt subject combinations and some other stuff which i forgot


indira heard me complain abt the sec ones like for 41 mins..which is record breaking..

must tell myself that I AM SEC 2 , they are SEC ones.

so hear nothing , see nothing.

endurance…the road towards self discipline.

that’s what npcc is abt … learning the secret behind the shiny badges and almost perfect drills.

but now elevated to self discipline instead of the usual forced discipline…


ah yah…we are talk abt how easy it is to change cca…

when jia jin kept talking about our npcc uniform , no ranking , no wearing problem…

well…i like wear uniform a lot …but if the uniform is more fitting the answer will be difinate yes….


leanne @

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

npcc sec ones!!!!!

yeah ! finally the sec ones come today …

played a prank with the entire squad by sms the other day 2.50 must fall in ..

which i think 3.00 was the exact time .

but nvms that don’t really matter cause i think everyone on high alert today…..

which i will make sure i change the time to 10 mins eariler the nxt time i get to type

the sms….


i think the sec ones played wacko the entire time which is huh?

nvm but i think i got a fair bit of drills and pt…

sir say must work on my marching more…which i think he said something abt same leg same hand…



Wednesday, January 28, 2009

when’s the next hoilday?

i wanna die already….

i ned more hoildays…with all the indices and stuff like that……….

npcc currently doing com stuff..which is erhemm….weird..later drills and pt die liao lohs…

i ned more insipiration on my books which have died for the last few weeks…

so i borrow some bks from seung hee and then start reviewing again..which is taking me a very long time..

drafts are all siting in my page…

and then i stiill ned to sort of the stuff in my handphone..

which the songs are titleless or artistless…..

and making me crazy….

when is THE sec 1s coming???for cca…


this is what i found when i did research on npcc..kindly posted by farah..

sometime i got a feeling that i am seeing what i shouldnot..



Friday, January 23, 2009

evergreen revisit

when is the last time i on the com? three days ago.

which is very long considering that i can’t live without computer.

todae i went back to evergreen,

while the sch doesn’t let us in [ we wait outside loh]

the teachers are almost gone already anyways.

except that i saw mr pillay and also mr phua [ chinese teacher].

we talked for a while. then he has to go

and then jian le and tiffany went to my house for a little more chatting abt cca and stuff like that.

still feel a little graying because time really filies so fast. faster than i have ever imagine.

jia jin said in class yesterday that my blog is dead_ which is [ so ridiculas]

the very special talk on wedneday in npcc…seems to treasue npcc more.




Sunday, January 18, 2009





pictures when spelling in hanyupingying becomes 皮草图热

but nvr mind.,, showing u the pictures  of my class deco,

while the room is red , my heart seems to be black .

everyday is a black day.



Friday, January 16, 2009

























hi guys,

i know my birthday already over , u are can go back to hearing the songs.

i know i  am in sec  2 already , but i still can;t adapt to live in sec sch

everything seems to change from the timetables , sch hours all the way to simply the teachers.....

and everyone seems to agree that we have 2 " witch teachers.

and a lot of ppl agree that mr khoo's class is quite erheemm...

well u know we are all sleeping with our eyes open....

and gd thing sec 2 are not really involve in the cca open house except we ned to do the posters and orientate

which is tmrr....

ai hui by the hand had made me very nervous, elly told me that she is not answering her calls

which is very disturbing to me.

well 早熟的童年.

which i think i will try not to get emotions into my studies, if i can for like until i graduate.

{ so leave me alone]

the chinese lesson this wk was abt kong zi

which is my favourite subject in chinese but i sitll can;t seems to remember any of the 论语.

felt like i am very stupid but nvr mind who would remember this kind of stuff?

oh well, when will i get internal peace ????



Sunday, January 11, 2009

birthday sleep

Happy birthday to you - HAPPY BIRTHDAY

while i content myself with a simple song and countdown,
i wish all of u a happy birthday! on ur birthday of course.


Monday, January 5, 2009

dying of the unknown

hi guys...


i am..............


dying..of i don't know what......................


I MISS SEC 1!!!!!!