Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Not in CE lab on tuesday post

okay, i did went to the ce lab, but i just didn’t blog. too troublesome cause i cannot type well and there is no spelling checker.haha. changed my blog skin and my music playlist as well to some of the songs that i got from la corda. After really searching for them then i realise that not everyone plays music the same way, not music is the same at all..well , that makes my think of something…the anime did makes me did about a lot of things, things that i always forgot and regret. i have been regretting for ages that i didn’t learn any foundation music before primary school and also major musical instruments. i really like the sound of viola and violin, but never really learnt it. Piano is like only occasional practise on my electrical keyboard, i can’t even play my primary school school song well. LOL> still in the period of trying to get all the music and keys flowing…so….

really feel like learning violin.



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