Wednesday, December 10, 2008

sick sick and sick


doing stuff that only a  sick person would do

is to stop doing all the stuff i should

and sleep

a lot

the only thing i didn't gain i think was weight and more tv time


and my books isn't getting too well

i was not typing for the past wk and i doubt i will even have the time to

do it

and i am very bothered by the 58 eMAILS that are residing in my mail box waiting to be bombed!

i thought al the sick ppl get to sit in front of the com for the entire day and

i am not!

speaking of tvs

the taiwan idol drama serial 在转角遇到爱

actually quite nice but it;'s over already and now the new one makes the whole family feel weird..

there's a guy who is a japanese is like so cute!!!!!don't ask why..he just is

but after looking @ his website actually he very gd @ languages he can speak and write chinese , english and japanese of course...

and i didn't got quite over with him yet...


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