Thursday, February 21, 2008


i forgot i signed up for this blogrush thing till like today when i received their mail so they woud apprecieate me to help them blog about them so here we go:


copied from the mail


You can even link to a specific topic category. For example, if you write a blog about "Parenting" just post a link that goes directly to the latest post rankings for the Parenting category. You'll find links to specific category rankings in the upper right 'box' on

The site will update every 24 hours initially and then move towards hourly updates; we want to find the right balance of frequency so visitors don't miss too many new posts if they keep coming back to the site.


For marketers, this is the ultimate research tool. You can monitor blogs by niche and keep up with what type of posts are getting the most interest across the Web. This will make it incredibly easy for you to know what type of blog posts you should be making to get more traffic, interest, and popularity for your own blog.


Now you’ll never run out of ideas for new blog posts!
This research data can help you identify untapped keywords and other opportunities.
This site is essentially a LIVE HEADLINE TESTING MACHINE!!! (by topic)
You can use ideas from the data to increase click-rates on AdWords ads and more.
You can use to find great blog posts for your niche. You can share links to these posts with your readers and they’ll appreciate it. (The nature of the blogosphere.)


You can also discover some new blogs in your niche that you never knew existed. These can turn into potential joint venture partners, or simply just another site to occasionally share some traffic and links. You’ll want to consider participating (properly, of course) on their blog comments to drive traffic to your blog.
But either way, can save you TONS of your time and constantly ’show you’ what your target market is most interested in at any given time. is powered by the BlogRush Network. It uses some unique technology to analyze millions of blog post title impressions, average click-rates, session times, and more to come up with it’s live ‘ranking’ system.

We’re still tweaking our algorithm but it has already proven to be a fantastic “filter” to determine the most popular and interesting blog posts (by topic) from across the entire network. (Which continues to add new blogs everyday.)

This was a major piece to the BlogRush puzzle that took a lot longer to develop than originally planned. But this is yet another ‘addition’ to help BlogRush members get more free traffic to their blogs.

Some people were disappointed by the traffic results they received when testing BlogRush, and it’s completely understandable…
And as promised, we’re working hard to improve things. is just one of many services we have planned to help our users drive more free traffic to their blogs. And we’re not done yet.
So go check out Bookmark it and prepare to visit often to keep up with your niche. Initially we’re only going to be updating the rankings about once per day — but that will soon move towards an hourly update.

We don’t want the site to update too frequently or users will miss out on certain posts. So we’re trying to find the right balance of how often to update the rankings.
Want your posts to appear on If you have the BlogRush widget installed on your blog it will happen automatically when any of your posts ’score’ well with TJ’s algorithm.
A big ‘key’ for scoring well, which is the same key to get traffic from BlogRush, is to learn to write powerful, yet specific blog post TITLES. Poke around TJ and notice the titles. Almost all of them are very SPECIFIC.

For example, rather than having a post say, “Today Was A Really Bad Day” it’s more effective if it says, “Why I Almost Smacked My Boss Today” or “Ever Split Your Pants At Work?” etc. etc.

Compelling, interesting, specific titles are what get people to CLICK. Not only on the BlogRush Network but across the Web in general. Write more effective blog post titles and you’ll also get more traffic from Google and the other search engines — because people will be more likely to click on your titles when they show up in the results.
Go Check It Out!

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